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Honorable Mention in the 2nd Faces Art Competition 2024


24 x 18 inches

Charcoal on paper


It's in a glance; in resignation; it's him in that final second within my gaze; it's when the flight is about to depart, and I must leave; It's the resentment towards fate; the river slipping through my fingers;  It's the profound resonance echoing in the depths of the heart; turning around means a lifetime. All emotions converge in this moment, where the silent echo resounds deafeningly. Do I see myself? Or is it him? Perhaps just fragments of my soul? His looking disperses with the wind in my memory, growing increasingly blurred. Yet, I remember that face of myself, unconditionally devoted for the sake of love, which had written my golden years.

Echo, 2021, 24 x18_.jpg
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